About Us
Windscape Consulting Services focuses on small to medium sized business as well as individuals. Windscape has over 20 years Information Technologies experience.
The web can be a very powerful asset to your business and we can give you the web presence that you need.
Contact Information:

Windscape Consulting Services, Inc.

Message from the owners of Windscape Consulting
We have decided to shutdown Windscape Consulting in order to "give back". We have been successful with Windscape Consulting and want to turn our attention to making sure kids get the best education they can. So we have decided to enter the education space. We will focus our time on teaching and building software to help schools and teachers give students the best chance possible to succeed. We will focus on special education, general education, as well as gifted programs to help each student achieve more than they thought they could possibly achieve.

To accomplish this, we have taken positions as full time employees with businesses where this is the number one focus.

We truly want to thank all that have worked for Windscape Consulting and all customers of Windscape Consulting for giving us such a great opportunity.

Please be aware that no customer, as well as no one working for Windscape Consulting will be left on their own. Arrangements have been made for all employees and all customers so no one is left without a job and without support.

Thank you!

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